Advice for dealing with quarantine

By Christo Velikin VI

Some stay inside and play video games all day long. Some are outside all of the time. Some are creative with things, and come up with their own fun. Some are optimistic, some are pessimistic. So what should you do during lockdown? Well, in this article, I will give you a couple of ideas about what to do when you are bored at home, which for me is probably 80% of the time.

Hiking Can Help You Relieve Stress and Get Exercise

The first, and probably the easiest thing to do, is to take a family hike. Although this may seem blatantly simple, a hike or walk with your family can do wonders. During the week, we spend most of our day in front of a computer screen and on the couch, while we could be outside enjoying ourselves. During a time where we cannot socialize, some time spent with your family in nature will not only be relaxing and soothing, but could also be a time where you can share a laugh with the only people you have near you for the next few months. We need a break from screens, and I guarantee that a walk or hike will raise your spirits.

Secondly, try something new such as cooking or baking. I have always been that guy that people want to keep out of their kitchen, but self-isolation felt like the perfect time for me to try out baking. The first time went as badly as expected, I tried to make muffins but ended up burning them and forgetting the eggs. Despite my initial failure, I tried again and again, and eventually, I began to enjoy myself while cooking. Whether it’s cooking, baking, or something else, try something new in the near future because you might find that you actually enjoy it.

Take the time to check in on other relatives that you might not see often, such as your cousins, grandparents, aunts, or uncles.

Finally, organize a group zoom call with your mates. Checking in on your friends, especially friends outside of school, to make sure that they are healthy and safe is a great thing to do. It doesn’t have to be much, but it often leads to a fun conversation and some laughter. Also, take the time to check in on other relatives that you might not see often, such as your cousins, grandparents, aunts, or uncles. They will greatly appreciate the time you take out of your day to call them, and it is an act of kindness that will warm both your and their heart. To conclude, whether it’s trying something new, or exercising, or doing something kind, hopefully, you might try one of these things to make your life in self-isolation a tad bit more enjoyable.
