Three departed faculty make room for Zoom interviews

By John Harrington I

Recently, one of my highlights of the quarantine was the opportunity to sit down (virtually) through Zoom with three esteemed former RL faculty members, Matt Dinger, Andrew Kingsley, and Cary Snider. They were all glad to share their fond experiences at school and to shed light on the next chapters of their lives. Here are their interviews, in the order of how much I liked them as teachers, along with my editorial commentary. I’m totally kidding. It’s just alphabetical:

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Thank You, Mr. Wildes

Beloved teacher-coach returns to his alma mater, Pomfret School

By Mat Cefail I

This spring we must sadly say goodbye to Mr. Josh Wildes, who will be leaving RL after eight years. Mr. Wildes taught calculus, analysis, geometry, and algebra, which were always both fun and rewarding. He coached junior lacrosse for six years, and he led the school’s Anime Club for two. In addition to these activities, Mr. Wildes was the head coach of varsity wrestling for all eight years. In the 2018-2019 wrestling season, he was inducted into New England’s Chapter of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame as Coach of the Year.

Continue reading Thank You, Mr. Wildes