18-5 season earns varsity basketball a playoff berth, first in a decade

By Tim Smith I

In terms of sheer results, the 2019-2020 varsity basketball team had a historic year. We finished 18-5, with wins over several league powerhouses like Lawrence Academy, Beaver Country Day, and Rivers. The team earned a Class-B playoff berth for the first time in about a decade. In the first round, we were slated to play St. Luke’s School at Cheshire Academy. We fought hard, but ended up losing 47-57. Although we came up short in the playoffs, each of us were proud of the effort we had put in, the results we achieved, and the growth we all experienced as players and people.

The team earned a Class-B playoff berth for the first time in about a decade.

Though the success of our team this season was as a result of commitment from the team as a unit, I would be remiss if I didn’t laud a handful of individuals for their outstanding performances this year. The first people who come to mind are our coaches. Mr. Spellman, in only his second season as the head coach, managed our team like a veteran. He was a stellar motivator and a shrewd play caller. He was at his best in late game scenarios, especially in our overtime win against Dexter. Mr. Teixeira served an invaluable role as well as our assistant coach. He was a defensive maestro, and brought a certain flair to our defense that no other coach could have. I’ll remember him especially for his vast knowledge of Nacho Libre quotations.

A few individual performances by players ought to be recognized too, and there is no other way to start doing so than by honoring our three captains: Antonio Rosado I, David Brennan I, and Charlie Weitzel I. Antonio served as a vocal leader for us, and always took on the role of guarding the opposing team’s most skilled player. He showed up in big games, especially when he dropped fifteen points against a strong Middlesex team. DB was much quieter than Antonio, but he always led by example. He was also our team’s best rebounder, and a proficient scorer as well. Although quiet, he was definitely one of the more competitive people on the team, and he gave it all regardless of whether he was playing in a game, practice, or 7v7s on the turf (I should know – if anyone wants to see him embarrass me in coverage, it’s on the RL basketball twitter account). Chuck, our third captain, was undoubtedly our best all-around player and a great leader for us this year. His greatest moment this year was when he notched his 1,000th career point in our game against Groton.

Chuck, our third captain, was undoubtedly our best all-around player and a great leader for us this year. His greatest moment this year was when he notched his 1,000th career point in our game against Groton.

All three of our senior captains earned recognition by the ISL: Chuck earned ISL All-League honors, and DB and Antonio earned ISL Honorable Mentions. Chuck was also named All-NEPSAC Class B. Beyond our three captains, there were a few other individuals who performed notably this year, and they are the captains of next year: Mark Henshon III, Javi Werner II, and Benja Rosenzweig II. All three of these underclassmen showed remarkable effort, commitment and leadership throughout the season and are more than prepared to lead the team next year. The seniors are leaving this basketball program in good hands.

Award winner and next year’s captains
