Thank You, Mr. Wildes

Beloved teacher-coach returns to his alma mater, Pomfret School

By Mat Cefail I

This spring we must sadly say goodbye to Mr. Josh Wildes, who will be leaving RL after eight years. Mr. Wildes taught calculus, analysis, geometry, and algebra, which were always both fun and rewarding. He coached junior lacrosse for six years, and he led the school’s Anime Club for two. In addition to these activities, Mr. Wildes was the head coach of varsity wrestling for all eight years. In the 2018-2019 wrestling season, he was inducted into New England’s Chapter of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame as Coach of the Year.

“Roxbury Latin has gone beyond being a job and has helped me develop into the man and father that I am today.” – Mr. Wildes

The Tripod asked Mr. Wildes to reflect on his years at RL and he said the following: “I came in as a normal guy. I had no kids, I was someone just looking for a job, and for me that was teaching. However, I find myself leaving RL with two kids, a family, and as a man who I am proud to be. Roxbury Latin has gone beyond being a job and has helped me develop into the man and father that I am today. My favorite thing about RL is its community. Faculty members, parents, and students alike are all so caring and supportive that it wasn’t just a job anymore. I was going in every day to see my second family. I am so grateful for all RL has taught me and all of the relationships it has granted me that will last for many years to come.” 

For his favorite memory, he said, “ I would say the most memorable and proudest moment from RL was being recognized by Mat Cefail I at the Annual Alumni Kick-off dinner this past fall. You as a teacher and coach just hope that you can have a beneficial and lasting impact on those you teach. I was honored to hear from Mat that I actually had a good impact on one of my students and wrestlers. Hearing it from one student in such a heartfelt way made everything worth it.” 

Next year Mr. Wildes will be returning to his alma mater, Pomfret School, where he will be teaching math and coaching wrestling. They are lucky to be getting an amazing coach and teacher. 

I would like to express my gratitude for Mr. Wildes on behalf of all the students that he has ever coached or taught. You are an amazing man who has imparted upon all of us the importance of being a hard worker, the importance of family, and the necessity of good moral character. We are sad to see you go but are grateful because you through example have taught us how and what it means to be a good man. Thank you, and goodbye, Mr. Wildes.
