Yard signs celebrate seniors

By Christian Landry I

All around Massachusetts, high schools have been providing yard signs for graduating seniors to indicate that they are a member of the class of 2020. With the help of parents of Class I, RL has done the same. On May 9, several parents of the class of 2020 traveled to houses of RL seniors to drop off RL yard signs.

In addition, members of Class I have taken pictures with their own signs to show off their school pride. This new initiative, along with other programs, have been put in place to try to give seniors a sense of closure and of finality, as nearly all seniors across the country will not have typical end of year events. The signs, although they can’t recreate “Senior Spring,” prom, or graduation, recognize the students and their accomplishments throughout high school, recognize their sacrifice in giving up these milestones, and hope to serve as some sort of memory or indicator of senior year for the class of 2020. Hopefully, Roxbury Latin and all schools across the nation are able to hold a celebratory event for the class of 2020 over the summer, even if it’s not a graduation ceremony. 

